Making payments easier for people & businesses — that's DayFi.

Our goal is to simplify the payment experience for Nigerians by making financial services more accessible and affordable.







It all began in May 2023…

We saw the gap in the payment system. And with an extensive background in payment solutions we just couldn't sit back and watch. So we set out to simplify the payment process by making it available anytime, anywhere — online or offline… and DayFi was born.

Born out of the inherent challenges faced by millions in internet banking, DayFi was designed to help people like you send and receive money without internet connection.

Our goal is simple…

Making payments easier for you, one offline transaction at a time. We want to empower you to make and receive payments without being held hostage by internet connectivity issues.

Our priority is even simpler…

To give you a seamless payment experience. That's why we specifically designed the mobile app to guarantee you enjoy fast payments anytime.

Join us to the future of payment

We're building a payment solution that will shape the future of transactions in Nigeria and set new standards for the global financial ecosystem. Join us and become part of this transformative journey.

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